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Everything posted by kRYTEX

  1. Hey Guys, as the Topic said im selling here my 6 Digit Steamaccount with 26 Games! The Account is complete UNUSED only idled Gamehours on it! SteamID: STEAM_0:1:5X6X0Y Just look the Screenshots in the Upper. http://imgur.com/a/juh40
  2. Hi, im searching a CS:GO Account with: Playtime - 500 Hours or more Wins - 150 or more Gold/Silver Coins - Operation Payback and/or Operation Bravo and/or Operation Phoenix (IMPORTANT!!) 5 Years Coin (Must be older than 5 Years 5-6 Digits be preferred) Skins not be preferred but if it included skins, it would be better! I hope some guys have to sell an Account like that.. regards About the Price we discuss via PM
  3. Hi, As my Topic said, im selling some 2004 7Digits with CS:S, completly Unused, and VAC/Leagues CLEAN! (1 in Stock) // Send me an offer via PM or post below this Thread! // Accept PayPal / PaySafeCard (Middleman's or Trusted Guys be preferred!)
  4. this acc is sold, sry someone can close this thread regards
  5. Hey guys, here im selling a Steamaccount with CSGO,CS 1,6 and Red orchestra 2, it included a Phoenix Coin in CS:GO In CSGO it haves 12 Wins, LEM and have 35 Hours, Never cheated on this account, so VAC/OW CLEAN ! Price: 10€ PP Regards
  6. Hey guys, as Topic said, im selling my old Mainaccount with 162 Games and alot Hours of CSS,CSGO,CS1.6,DayZ,L4D2,CoD and more! (look Screenshots in the upper) Its a 7 Digit with 9 Years of Service. But unfortunately this Account have an Overwatch ban ;/, but this Account is VAC Clean! Btw. this Account is Steamlevel 20 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:31X8X3X For more Screenshots, Infos or Steamname feel free and write me PM, The price we discuss via PM Ofc we can use middlean like a moderator or something else from this Forum. Screenshots: • Overall View: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-230475...-View.png.html • Games: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-23047562/Games.png.html - http://www.pic-upload.de/view-230475...st--1.png.html - http://www.pic-upload.de/view-230475...st--2.png.html - http://www.pic-upload.de/view-230475...st--3.png.html - http://www.pic-upload.de/view-230475...st--4.png.html - http://www.pic-upload.de/view-230475...st--5.png.html • Gamehours: (The most of them have 200+!) http://www.pic-upload.de/view-230475...rs--1.png.html - http://www.pic-upload.de/view-230475...rs--2.png.html • Steamlevel: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-230475...level.png.html • Years of Service: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-230475...rvice.png.html • Proof / Secure: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-23047594/Proof.png.html
  7. ^ As Topic said,- Is now the hack who i can purchase to 100% the same hack as before? so i can use my old configs etc.?
  8. Welcome back! I hope u enjoy ur stay
  9. Vouch for him! Bought alot of Accounts from him. Alltime he was fast and friendly! ~TRUSTED~ Feel free to buy from him!
  10. 04 = normally 9 years of service but on ur screenshot 8 years lmao
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