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Everything posted by Flipzeh

  1. Name anything you want, I will get it for you all i ask in return is to be able to be VIP and get the CSGO cheats. The pay options are very limiting so this is all i can do. Gifting games, csgo skins/keys, subscriptions to anything. Im desperatly needing this.
  2. paypal is retarded asf. Limited mty account i even went out and bought a fricken visa gift card to make a seperate account to send to it and it limited that one. So can someone please help me get this. Someone with reputation. I can buy you anything in equivalent. IE skins, Keys games etc. Someone please help.
  3. Since paypal decided to limit my account with a card on it and i dont know how to use bitcoin to buy the cheats I was reffered by a moderator to ask for a highly trustworthy person with reputation be able to accept 12gbp via csgo skins etc in trade for a month membership for the csgo cheats. Obviously scamming will not be allowed here. So i need someone with a lot of rep. please and thanks lmk
  4. Since paypal decided to limit my account with a card on it and i dont know how to use bitcoin to buy the cheats I was reffered by a moderator to ask for a highly trustworthy person with reputation be able to accept 12gbp via csgo skins etc in trade for a month membership for the csgo cheats. Obviously scamming will not be allowed here. So i need someone with a lot of rep. please and thanks lmk
  5. where and who would you recomend to get that for me if i trade them skins?
  6. I am unable to use paypal due to my account being limited and my card is on there. So my payments wont go through. Is there any other way i can purchase the cheats? Would be highly appreciated.
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