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About Shadiku

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Big vouch for NREM. Replied to me instantly and I had the account a few minutes later. No problems at all.
  2. I still have a lot from the past sale where it was 75% off. Haven't been getting banned as much as I anticipated. Edit: Oh you meant the cheat subscription. Now is probably the best time you could get it, I bought it when it was really expensive and then it was on sale for stupidly cheap a bit later.
  3. EaH is super legit. Sold accounts to hundreds of people including myself on the old forums.
  4. don't forget the all important vac = no
  5. What games do the accounts have? (I'm assuming the standard HL1 stuff?)
  6. Can you be more specific about the steam alert? Also does the Overwatch ban show up as a VAC ban?
  7. I have several with almost 1,000 hours but no rank. PM if interested.
  8. You can't double hours. The most you can do is 1:1.
  9. I am for sure. I've been using external hacks in the downtime and it just isn't the same.
  10. Missed this forum, good to see its back. Hope everything is up and running smoothly again in a few weeks.
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