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Everything posted by haswell

  1. Chods has always been a professional provider. I remember using a CSGO cheat with fucking silverlight. The dev team are bloody geniuses. Me and my friends abused the shit out of this cheat. We had god mode on and was literally flying across the map and trolling the killer so hard. 10/10 The best visuals 10/10 the best features. 8/10 aimbot for the flashlight is off. Thank you @Chods-Cheats.com I just purchased the EFT Cheat so i'm very excited! Thank you for staying High Quality.
  2. Hi. I don't want to create another "Are we there yet" thread. Instead i'd like to ask the Head Honcho's about refunds. Now i know i'm sure that in the ToS or Policies when i ticked i agree there was a part that said i was not entitled to jack shit once i paid. However i don't truly think this is how Chod and the team operates and i'm curious about what the response is to a potential refund. I want to be clear i'm not asking for a refund.... yet. However as time drags on i do become increasingly doubtful about any kind of 2019 release. Would Chods-Cheats Honour refunds for those customers who request one? Thank you for your time.
  3. Cpt Obvious, Yes we all do die eventually. Right now you are dying. Slow and i'm sure your experience is painful getting raped by "skilled" players. We don't ruin anything, for ourselves. Your own experience is down to your "skill". We always do eventually get banned, Unlike death its very easy to evade. Welcome to Chod's enjoy your stay.
  4. chods has always provided some premium cheats. sometimes free. i remember the silverlight csgo esp cheat. Very impressive stuff. I look forward to hopefully joining this redesign as i have just submitted my app for the gfx team.
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