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Everything posted by Minnato

  1. I also would like to say that I was very glad when I saw yesterday that you added aimbot to teammates. I think that was a great increment for people that like to play with sups. Really great job. Thanks again!
  2. I'm using this cheat for 4 days and so far I'm liking it very much. It has good options to play legit, what it makes almost impossible to be caught (if the cheat keep been undetected). One great feature is the prediction. It really does its stuff! I'd like to congrats u guys for the great work. Also I'd like to make a humble suggestion. I had a cheat some years ago that had a separated allied aim. So if I'd play with Ying, Damba or Pip, I could use a different buttor to aim for my allies. That would be awesome as well. Thanks!
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