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Everything posted by IsoJason

  1. IsoJason


    I picked the game up played thru the tutorial only tho so far, I don't have any in game experience right now been waiting on friends to play with. If still interested lmk (US East)
  2. I've been using it a little, very clean visuals, pretty good at making you look legit if you decide to use the aimbot just needs a little work. Just missing a few features, other than that its pretty good.
  3. Welcome to the forums Chris! Hope you enjoy it here, I play rust aswell, I don't play CSGO anymore though and haven't in a long time. If you need help with anything you can always create a support ticket or create a post on the forums, you can also check out the links in my signature. Have a nice one
  4. Welcome to Chod's hope you stay and enjoy it here, can always make a thread or support ticket if you need help, plenty of people here are willing to help with anything!
  5. The man, have a good one Chod, deserves some time off with all his hard work
  6. Welcome to the forums bud, have a nice one and hope you stay
  7. Please add mine back, had life Thank you
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