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Everything posted by WZRD

  1. Check my thread http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?2095-Selling-6digit-Account-with-CS-GO-amp-1-6
  2. I'm selling VAC & Overwatch CLEAN 6digit account. - account created 23.09.2003 - CS:GO + CS 1.6 - 5-Year Veteran Coin ingame (CS:GO) - STEAM_0:1:520XXX SCREENS : 10€ payment via PayPal
  3. ^ title Payment via Paypal or german PSC. edit: Thread can be closed, i bought from C4stelli.
  4. WZRD


    Welcome to CC!
  5. WZRD


    Welcome to CC. Enjoy ur stay!
  6. WZRD


    Welcome to CC. Enjoy ur stay!
  7. WZRD


    Welcome to CC!
  8. I can offer an 6digit account + e-mail account. -Global Elite -40Wins -5Years Veteran Coin -Steamguard active ~20€ ?
  9. In case u bought a liftetime sub while it was available, u'll get it back ofc. Got mine
  10. I am interested, if it also works for CS:GO. If somebody can provide something like this for CS:GO, shout me pm
  11. How much € do u take for CS:S Gift/Key ? I only want a gift or key.
  12. Im searching for an CS:S Gift. I'm offering Paypal.
  13. WZRD


    Welcome back! Enjoy ur stay.
  14. WZRD


    Welcome back!
  15. Welcome back. Enjoy ur stay
  16. WZRD

    Testing Sig

    t e s t t e s t
  17. WZRD


    Welcome back!
  18. +1 Volvo is the Devil and Hitler in one person.
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