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Posts posted by wulfinchenwolf

  1. Grammar? It doesn't seem entirely correct to me. Maybe you're missing a comma somewhere?

    Basically you're asking in lay-man terms; You want to know why someone cheats, and what does a person get from it?

    There are different types of people who cheat:

    1. Those who want to troll, and just rage hack. They are entertained by the fact that people are getting angry.

    2. Those who good, but want to play on a higher skill level, and use cheats to compensate that lack of skill.

    3. Players aren't very good, but want the praise of being good ; the feeling of being "stronger" than the opponents.

    4. On some rare cases, people with physical handicaps will use cheats to give them a even playing field against the opponents. It allows them to enjoy the game on the same level as non-handicap players.

    Exactly! I know one of those aswell.

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