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Everything posted by Paulinho_25

  1. Hi, I have been reading many forums including yours, I wanted to know if doing this would solve my HIWD BAN problem and incidentally ask you some questions. 1-I have two disks, 1 110 GB ssd and another 960 GB HDD, when doing a raid 0, the final capacity will be 1070 GB? 2- from what I understood the best thing is to do a raid 0 with hardware and then reinstall the windows, the doubt that I have is that when I put ¨ wmic diskdrive get serialnumber¨ will I get the name that I put to that raid? or that has nothing to do with the serial number that will come out after doing everything, because they told me that you have 3 cases: There are 3 cases: (A) Your serial turn to zeros. "00000000000000" This is the best case scenario, you don't ever have to worry again about being HWID banned in a BattlEye game. (B) Your serial turn to random numbers. This is the also not bad. If you ever get banned, you will need to re-raid and follow the steps again. This will change your serials and your good to go again. (C) You will get "Volume1" Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/KtpSuU1.png 3- if when doing the raid I do not have the serial number: 000000, can I continue to do other raids until I have that serial number: 00000? 4- I also have to clean the disks or is that done only after doing a raid 0? 5- you when you did a raid 0, when you installed windos and put wmic diskdrive get serialnumber in the cmd, did you get: serial number: 000000000?
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