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Posts posted by 1tmccollum

  1. 1 minute ago, Feary said:

    There is nothing to say at most time. We will not give out any info regarding progress what might benefit our enemy. Most people do not have the basic idea of what this is involved.

    Other than "Its being worked on, Its being fixed, Devs are on it" not much we can say regarding this matter.


    This has been the policy before me and it will continue to be. 
    Chod has some blogposts up, some "behind the scenes" stuff for the selected few to have a peek behind the curtains.


    I do not know information you need. We cannot give you any ETA or percentage regarding anything.


    We try to make all new info very visible, but people tend to miss big red banners and continue breaking rules without a second of doubt.

    I'm sorry if you labeled me an asshole because you misunderstood my words in chatbox, but what you mentioned in it is not how this site works. We will not rely on safety features and leave a crashing product online. Said plenty times we take stability and security over uptime any day.

    See, you explaining all of that makes it easier for me to understand that you can't give me direct answers on anything I'd like to know. People can look back at this thread, read what you just typed, and understand why no one will tell them when the product will be back up / why its down / etc etc. I don't understand why this couldn't of been made clear in an announcement thread or something similar, rather than just being rude to people who want to know why they can't use the product that they just spent money on.


    Many people who are buying your services are not tech-geniuses or developers themselves, so to repeat the same line of "its up when its up" and insult anyone who dares question it is kind of stupid. If you'd just go into more detail like this, people wouldn't have an issue with waiting. Better yet, just don't get pissy at people who just gave you money.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Chod said:

    That's not very nice. As I said, I stand by my staff as they stand by me. We are united and share the same values, if you feel like Feary is an asshole I can only presume he treated you like one; a sentiment I share in all honesty.

    I wouldn't have an issue with the downtime at all if we were given an actual reason why (aka, something like this post you just made). 

    A lot of people would really love this sort of communication, rather than your spokes-people (aka, Feary / Faceless) acting like complete dicks to customers. You make a quality product and it's something I'd use over all other cheeses available, but damn the customer-service is pretty shit. Ask questions in the chat and get bent over for wanting to know about the product you just spent money on.

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