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Posts posted by leeb89

  1. 19 hours ago, BosnianBIll said:

    you people are pretty rude tbh
    You wanna know if hes gonna add something for something hes not 100% sure but very confident in will work, and then you just got the audacity to be like, WELL CAN WE GET OTHER BE Cheats.
    LIke wait geezus christ. See How EFT pans out, DayZ Etc THEN maybe he might consider it who knows? 


    I don't know why you took my post in that way. I meant nothing like what you are saying. I didn't demand other BE cheats. All I said was 'IF' but Chod says 'WHEN' it does work (figuring out BE), then will there be any plans for other BE Cheats as they are supporting that anti-cheat now. I wasn't demanding he make other cheats, I didn't say anything bad against Chod.  Honestly, I don't know why you attack other members like this, saying 'you people' as if you are the above everyone else. Calling me rude for asking a question. I posted once. I wasn't asking over and over.  I was just wondering the future plans of Chod's Cheats. Making conversation. Are you saying that starting a conversation about the future of Chod's Cheats is being rude? I believe that his post was a lot about the future of Chod's Cheats, him saying he's still around and wants to keep the community going strong. If other people have posted about this topic about supporting other BE games, I didn't see them. You could have kindly directed me to a post explaining it. But you decide to attack me instead. 


    Look, if you took my post that way that's your personality but I had no intention of demanding and/or insulting anyone. 

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