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  1. If you need any further details on the account email me, don't message me on here. (ohhahhsamaras1888@hotmail.co.uk) Thanks.
  2. Looking for a fresh account or one with no rank yet, thanks. if interested contact me on my email ohhahhsamaras1888@hotmail.co.uk PS. No cheats have been used on this account
  3. i have an accout, LE after 10 games, not hacked on, main im supreme just need a place to sell the account
  4. i have an LE account, 10 wins, pm if you want it il take anything over £9 on paypal
  5. Il sell the account for no less than £9. to discuss details email me or PM me [OhhAhhSamaras1888@hotmail.co.uk]
  6. As the Job has been done for the buyer i will be selling the account for any offer over £9, or any amount of keys of any kind over the price. Payment must be through paypal if you are paying for the account, if you're swapping for keys my steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FuzzyShit/ (account being sold: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198194630066/) Contact Email: OhhAhhSamaras1888@hotmail.co.uk Thank You. il be checking highest offer and the highest will be given the details after payment in 2 hours.
  7. HMU at my email for details OhhAhhSamaras1888@hotmail.co.uk
  8. £10 Paypal HMU on steam [Zembeed (display name Suspect)] or email ohhahhsamaras1888@hotmail.co.uk
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