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Everything posted by Articflash

  1. Super Awesome! I joined this website a little while ago for EFT. I've heard good things about this site. I went ahead and used your Apex Cheese a month or so ago and I had so much fun! And, I really enjoyed using your spoofer, Genius!
  2. More like paying for a service... I don’t want to create accounts then have to go thru the tutorial I just want accounts that are ready to jump into a match
  3. Hello, I’d like to buy fresh Apex accounts with only the tutorial complete. Let me know if you have some or want to do some and we can discuss price
  4. Perfect! I'm currently trying to set it up and having difficulties turning off the Virtualization... Can't locate it in my BIOS EDIT: holy smokes I'm dumb... it wants it enabled haha. Good to go then lol.
  5. Looking to play Apex with a slight advantage. Just wondering if thats good to go? The price looks normal compared to EFT, but just wanted to check first. TIA
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