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Everything posted by xxxgorfffxxx

  1. Hello, The cheese works excellent. Very happy with it and so far the security has been good! I couldn't find the suggestions page but I would like to Suggest an option to disable teammate ESP as it can be cumbersome in melee fights and its hard to tell who your teammates are and aren't. Additionally I would also like to suggest the Esp being able to let you know player classes as well. I believe both of these would be extremely helpful. Thanks to the team as I very much am enjoying the cheese. Excellent work. Respectfully, J
  2. Marauders. It’s like a more casual EFT. Space Tarkov. Not sure if it’s active now but I believe they use EAC which Chods is pretty good at bypassing well. Think 24 hour peak there was about 10k active players.
  3. Hello, My current contact has been offline for sometime and I am looking for an official reseller to buy a deadside key from. I have used in the past and thought everything was pristine. Please let me know who I can buy a Key from. Best
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