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About jesterx19

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  1. Lol someone sounds salty, but go ahead say people are bad when clearly you haven't looked into how many actual esps are currently available. There are a ton of people who know how to easily integrate the already available cheats with a BE bypass as well there are many people who know how to make their own cheats. The probability of this being a long term cheat though is 0% but they will be able to cheat until BE gets them. So clearly your uneducated as how hacks/cheats work and I would love to know your survival rating in game. Ive had this game for 2 and a half years now and on this patch alone I have above a 60% survival rate. Also if your not on this website to purchase cheats ur literally wasting your time, unless you actually are just bad need cheats to play the game? ? lol take his advice and shut up boomer. Aside from that lookin forward on the progress of the cheese
  2. I am so excited for this to release. I cant stand the amount of people currently running esps that 100% will get banned the next day, their 15 mins of fun with esps is so rage inducing i just cant stand the game anymore. Shoreline and woods is a shit show full of ESP's currently ruining the game. Once the cheese is released you can actually play on an equal playing field.
  3. Im just Curious, I am currently on 1809 windows is that fine?
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