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Everything posted by ABCXYZ

  1. The idea of two cheats could be a good idea depending on how the coders worked it out. One for public and one for VIP, but I think the general idea would be to prevent the BE devs from ever getting their hands on the software to be able to reverse engineer it in general. Unfortunately the sides of the coin here are not too bright for large groups of people, the public side being a significantly higher chances towards the possibility of ban and the private which will highly limit profit and players having access(at all) to the cheats. Both have positives and negatives though, as I said earlier it's really focused upon what the owner here thinks would be the best decision in this case for the cheats to progress towards, I just hope whatever decision they make will warrant a high amount of protection vs. BE, which I'm sure it will.
  2. So everyone knows about the BattlEye defense coming to EFT, this is an issue to a lot of people and the moment others quit cheating. Here's some basic information for you all to soak in. 1. The popular picture. This picture was a huge wake-up call to a lot of people that EFT is getting serious with their anti-cheat and no longer going the route of self sustaining, but everyone thought it was going to come with .12... Well, you were wrong there which comes to point 2. 2. https://i.gyazo.com/6b94d48ba2c75413c337b9a7cbbbf5ff.png This comes to the serious point of: The only way you'll know when they implement it, is precisely when you either log in and see the pretty little logo or hear of bans happening pretty quick. The cheat could remain undetected for a bit I suppose but the real thing is a bypass from BattlEye. Now you can probably understand the issue (if you're a comprehending human being) what this exactly stops with a large portion of the community here. X marks the spot and many people will end up losing the cheat most likely before they get banned out of safety reasons. 3. Now how much of a likelihood is there for immediate detection? Almost none, it doesn't really work that way. So you won't have to necessarily fear if you see the logo for the first time, it won't be too bad (most likely). This also brings the question for the cheat, will it be still open to the public? Well, it could but then again it may not be. As seen with DayZ, it went private because of this exact reason. BattlEye is a very good anti-cheat despite the criticism they receive, they pretty much squad wipe hackers off of games like nothing, and with a hacking community of this size, what is the alternative to this? There isn't one! It's whatever Chod comes up with, so everyone worrying about it will have to see what the owner wants to do in this situation. REMINDER This is NOT to worry any of you, this is purely an informal piece from someone in the same shoes. I loved hacking on DayZ, I remember having to buy multiple different cheats because sellers were quitting like crazy(and game copies lol, they have to love me purely from the amount of money they made off of me), take this how you'd like and build off of it with your own thoughts on the situation. These are just mine, thanks! EDIT New information: The cheat will most likely be fine due to something I have just seen but not sure if it's fine to share. Thanks!
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