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Everything posted by Enotov

  1. Thanks, for the update! I renewed the cheat and purchased the subscription when I already knew BE will be released and the cheat will be down, just to show support:) sad to hear about chargebacks, but this will only show who in the community really cares, and who is just a customer. With great respect, from Florida! already exited to see the new cheat in a couple weeks
  2. So I have a couple ideas that Chod could test out 1) So in theory if we create 2 windows users, 1 is admin 2 is restricted user. - We run the cheat from the admin, we run the game from the restricted user, who is set not to allow to see the admin processes. Would it work? 2) We can figure out an injection, that will inject in to a background process, example Discord, Nvidia (any process that fits). Would BE still detect it even in a trusted process? 3) We can try to create a Intel, AMD, Nvidia etc driver update with the cheese? 4) We can try to use WireShark to capture the info sent by BE to the server (for example for authorization) and try to duplicate or generate same sort of response with BE uninstalled or the cheese loaded directly in to BE. This will create a response in the BE server that everything is ok, but in fact we cheese. 5) How about to inject the cheat directly to BE and when starting the game just send a fake MD5 (so the server thinks BE is fine, when in fact it's corrupted)? Will BE identify it's own processes as corrupt? So lets brainstorm with ideas, at some point we will come up with a solution Leave your ideas in this topic
  3. I don't know why everybody is so worried about Battle Eye in EFT. DayZ is live for private, this means there's defiantly is some success in overcoming this Anti-cheat . And since DayZ was first to be tested and released on BE, when EFT gets updated it will have the cheese already tested. Lets discuss our fears here I think we should not be worried at all ? BTW, if the cheese goes down temporarily, we have to thank Chod for the stuff we learned because of this cheese. We know key and valuable loot spawns, that we can farm. We know Scav spawns, routes and behavior. We know standard Player routes and behavior. This all will already give us a huge advantage, in this short downtime period
  4. I don't know why everybody is so worried about Battle Eye in EFT. DayZ is live for private, this means there's defiantly some success in overcoming this Anti-cheat . And since DayZ was first to be tested and released on BE, when EFT gets updated it will have the cheese already tested.

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