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Everything posted by bjax904

  1. We have a community on discord offering in-game Tarkov services along with frequent giveaways of in-game items, weekend sales and other deals. Willing to negotiate on prices and friendly for players new to the game.Selling Graphics Cards - $1.50 a pieceFull Assist Labs run - $7.00Full assist run on any other map - $5.00Item specific ESP, will find any quest items for you. Questing pricing is on a case-by-case basis and is priced reasonably.Add me on discord, comment below or PM me if interested in joining our community or if you have any questions. CerberusMXL#0420
  2. Then one would assume, with deductive reasoning, that the answer to your question is no. But to elaborate - it was put back online and then shortly after that - a game update was released and the cheese was removed again.
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