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Everything posted by Swaz3yhd

  1. I was deployed so I haven't use the tarkov cheats in a while and I see that they are down or gone? any idea of when they will be back I am eager to use them again
  2. Swaz3yhd


    I really wish that we would get stuff for getting our friends to buy cheats, like even an extra day per person would be cool. Ive gotten 3 people to buy them in the last week lol.
  3. Thank you!! Btw your staff is very helpful and fast and I appreciate it!
  4. So, when tarkov updates for those of us who have cheats will they be available with the new patch, will cheating be possible still, also for the downtime that cheats dont work with 0.12 are we going to be compensated for that period of time. Thank you for your time
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