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Posts posted by Onii-San

  1. I've been running with this cheat for some 20 hours now, and here are my points to follow.


    The Menu the cheat provides is clean and crisp, it makes it all very easy to understand and has a great layout, the Menu has improved a lot from last year when I used to roll around with the Tarkov cheat, It provides a lot of options to what you want to see and how far you want to start seeing them at, the only suggestion for the menu is to add differing values for loot and players, Sometimes I want to be able to see player further than I want the loot to clog up the screen.


    The ESP is great as always Chod's Community has always had one of the greatest ESP systems that I've played with, you can see, loot, players, what's in the players hands and such, it gives you the distance they are at and a great draw for their vision. The only suggestion for the ESP is perhaps a optional ability to turn on what they are wearing like the old Tarkov system had. Other than that it's a quality ESP system as always


    The Aimbot is where this cheat hits rock bottom, the options around it are great, you have FOV sliders, smoothers and even a visibility check, the problem comes from the locking on that the cheat attempts to do, the only time it is accurate is when the target is stood still or running in a straight line in front of you. I also often find that some guns make the aimot target just left of their head and II end up missing all of those shots. It's become a lot easier to play with aimbot, the clunky system makes it harder to kill people rather than easier. 


    Going forward Deadside is coming out with EasyAnitCheat in its next update and I'm looking forward to seeing improvements to both this cheat and the system it uses, once an update comes along for it I'll update the review to keep it in check.


    Tanks for reading,


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