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Everything posted by Faithful

  1. I can't remember the old prices but I would pay max. 40$ per month. You can't even play every day to fully use the month you've got if you have a job and have to go to work etc. Of course I do understand that there is special knowledge needed for BE but afaik Chods is not a private cheese site where the risk of getting fkd is very small because of the small userbase. Chods is accessable for everyone easily so it's like a "massproduct" and the risk of getting banned is higher because of the userbase. I was really glad of finding chods for EFT because it went well and I never had any problems. But if the price will rise that much I would rather stop to play EFT. A Cheese is like a fun multiplicator and nothing else. If you are using a cheese there is always the risk of getting a ban except you are using specialized software for a single person aka private cheese. 40$ = 1 Month 100$ = 3 Months 150$ = 6 Months 200$ = 12 Months That would be my "pain threshold" And we don't even know how safe the cheese actually is. I do trust you guys but the world is full of fraud. Maybe you should make the cheese a bit cheaper at the beginning and see how safe it really is and then you can adjust the prices. I'm clearly not the boss here, I'm aware of that, but that are just my two cents. Greetz Faith (Sorry for my awful english)
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