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Product Reviews posted by letsgetboostedlol

    DayZ Cheat

    From £19.99/10 days incl. VAT

    Chod's DayZ is the best DayZ cheat out there, hands down. It's a bit on the expensive side, but I've seen what others have made, and it doesn't hold a candle to it.


    Not to mention Chod's is one of the ONLY providers I would ever trust when it comes to actually knowing if their product is detected or not.



    Player ESP - 8/10: Sometimes the esp will bug out a little bit over 1km, but in reality, when do you need to see who's 1km away from you?


    Infected ESP - 8/10: Again, sometimes over a certain distance the ESP doesn't show or starts to bug out a bit, but it's pretty reliable and you don't need to see zombies that far.


    World ESP - 7/10: Sometimes the distance slider doesn't work for the world ESP, but I've never had it fall short of around 200m. And if you're running straight at an item 200m away, you're probably not doing a good job at hiding the fact that you're cheating. On the positive side of this though, Chod's has the most detailed world ESP that I have seen. Pretty much anything you could be looking for. The only feature addon that I would recommend here is how in the EFT cheat for a while there was a search bar for the item you want to filter, if something like that were possible.



    Basics - 9/10: The aimbot is extremely smooth, the ability to hide the FOV is fantastic, and it gets the job done perfectly. The prediction is normally on point, and if for whatever reason it isn't (the reason for the 9/10), just use the magic bullet. Simple enough.


    Accuracy - 10/10: The no recoil and no sway work perfectly.



    Speedhack - Does not exist anymore. Good, because you'd get caught hella fast by any active admins.


    Weather Changer - 10/10: Works perfectly, although I rarely use it.


    DLC Unlocker - I have never had to use, so I cannot give an honest review about it.





    There are a few suggestions that I have, moving forward with the cheat.

    Price - I'm guessing that the £19.99/10 days may be because of the lack of popularity with the cheat amongst the others that have the price set monthly. I would love to see a monthly price, rather than a 10 day pricing. Or maybe 30 day or 60 day key at a slightly cheaper price than getting the 10 day key multiple times. Something along those lines would be great.


    Streamproof - I know that most cheats from you guys are no longer stream proof, although I'm not sure why. I remember that almost all cheats long ago were streamproof. I believe it would make it much more appealing if it were, although I don't know with the current pricing and # of customers if that's viable to still make a decent profit.

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