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Everything posted by Lucidz

  1. damn i want one or an Australian Shepard
  2. ONLINE GOT 10M in stock ! $1 per mil if you buy all
  3. Online ! Prices updated to $1.30 PER MIL 12 MIL in stock !
  4. it makes no sense why would someone buy items case for $6 where they can just buy 2mil roubles for $1.8 and just use the roubles to buy it off flea market
  5. ONLINE got 5MIL in stock dm me now or place an order for when i get more
  6. online got 10mil stock prices updated to $2 per 1mil
  7. Pretty Straight Forward 1Mil Rouble = $1.30 5Mil Roubles = $5.50 10Mil Roubles = $11 Paypal Only ! Discord Rahn#5672 won't be needing middle man i wanna keep it pretty straight forward 2 minutes for transaction. prices negotiate able ! IN STOCK 12MIL ! (i will get more by the end of the day if you wanna place an order) :
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