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Everything posted by jakblack123

  1. Would love to see Stalcraft, would gladly pay for it aswell
  2. Hello. I have used the Marauders cheese pretty much since it launched, loved every bit of it so far and haven’t really found any faults except issues with no recoil shooting down. aimbot: 9/10 worked very smoothly in my case except for it sometimes being a little off. ESP: 9.5/10 worked amazingly, personally I play with box off to remove a bit of clutter, didn’t have to memorise what each loot box looked like. Helped a lot seeing other ships and easily breaching them. Two suggestions I would make would be add vaults for the ESP and show capital / merchant ships. Item spawner: 10/10 had absolutely no issues with this and it made doing contracts so much easier, instead of running into a map to find items like the transmitters I could just spawn them and be done with it and focus on the enjoyable part…. The PvP! Weapon: 8/10 no spray worked well, no recoil some guns decided to shoot down which was annoying, unlimited ammo was fun as hell, player: 10/10 God mode and infinite stamina worked great! No issues here. add xp, prestige, money: 9.5/10 worked great just wish you could input the amount of xp/money you want to add. overall a very solid cheese no major issues when running it, is it worth the price tag? Yes 100% it is I would happily recommend it, there are a few newer features that I haven’t tested out such as the shop infinite ammo mainly because I feel like that would be rather blatant and obvious to catch. Use it well and don’t try be too blatant in your cheating and you should be perfectly fine and not get caught 🙂
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