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Everything posted by Code

  1. I'll buy this off you bro, does it stay after the wipe?
  2. do you always have keys available to buy or not?. or is it a case of restocking?
  3. Yeah me too...fingers crossed
  4. bought it off somewhere else in the end bro, I really wanted to start playing. will let you know if I need another one
  5. could I get the 5 million?. new to the game, but I am guessing this is currency, right?. also what do you mean about the next wipe?
  6. Still WTB..comment or PM me
  7. Not Paying no more than 20/25euros, other wise I may as well just buy it off G2A etc
  8. might wait for wack to come back online. I'll be patient, need to go buy my USB today as well
  9. never got a reply back from any of them
  10. Hey, I'm wanting to buy the EFT cheese, but not looking to pay full price for the game. is there anyone on the site what can be vouched to sell me a working key for EU/UK?. many thanks,
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