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Everything posted by Pikaachu

  1. To be honest, with the ammounts of cheats going on in EFT as of currently, its only a hassle to play the game on its own. IF chods got a stable EFT cheat up, imagine.. You'd only have lobbies of hackers lol. I've used chods EFT cheat before battlEye and it was great. Seems most cheats have problems keeping up. And you mostly see people doing it for the money, not the enjoyment anymore, cus of the ban rates.
  2. well, maybe they should stop wiping the levels every wipe then firstly >.<.....
  3. theres been working spots. Don't come here saying shit you have no idea about.
  4. Well, if you manage to glitch through you can get max strength/endurance within a few minutes. Theres one on shoreline that just a couple of days ago got released publicly and it got patched quite quick. I know theres spots on the other maps like interchange, customs etc, but i dont know where..
  5. Hello, i've been looking everywhere for a spot to glitch underneath the map, except the patched shoreline one. Just curious if theres just ONE kind soul out there that could PM me a location to where and how to glitch out. PM me if you know anything, i'd appreciate it tons.
  6. Did you know Chod is an FBI agent, apparantly?
  7. Jesus thats rough lol Typical just after release.
  8. I see the Apex is outdated. Patch or detected already?
  9. Dont listen to Wirpy, u should have been laid atleast 20 times by now! Get on that big horse and get laid ASAP. U should lose it in vain, because virginity is only a virginity.
  10. Never had problems. The cheese has been down a few days, after i bought, but its all to make sure we are not at risk. Best thing is, we get the downtime days back.
  11. So ur saying ur a developer and can spawn item in my stash??? #Exposed
  12. yes, bsg employer 10/10 ban hem plx
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