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Everything posted by Dirtydan139

  1. they owe a lot of ppl refunds and faceless has said they wont refund
  2. then why do we get a soon response ? why don't let us have what is a done and make the changes on the go ? its not going to be soon like yall say? everytime someone voices an something the forum is no longer there , its been months and its just screen shots , ban waves are feared like yall say but that comes no matter what . there are videos out aready of ppl using the same menu that has been provided here , whats the hold up?
  3. there are other sites out there that been up for a good month , some have had ban waves, and a few have been up since the drop of the battle eye drop that are private threw a discord , chod could be running but they rather focus on other stuff besides what the community is asking for so we get hit with the SOON response , it wont be up this year , go pay the extra $15 and use someone else in the mean time , when its up come back for the lower price
  4. if u take the time to find another provider there is two that are active and up and running just do some looking
  5. will be ban now with the BE in place , ban wave is still high as hell right now with the what if possibility
  6. There is no refunds also so if it for whatever reason it don’t come back up we are all fucked anyways so might as well wait and see , currently using a vip provider that’s a little kill on the pocket book but chodes is way better and a lot more smooth , I’ll wait until they are 110%
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