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Everything posted by FlexicaN

  1. 1. Steam level: 1 Rank:Global Elite (450 wins) Playtime: 2,325 Hours Coins: Silver Breakout, Gold Bravo, Bronze Payback, Bronze Phoenix Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198088646430/ (No VAC, No Overwatch ban) 2. Steam Level: 14 Rank:Global Elite (300 wins) Playtime: 533 Hours Coins: 5 Year Coin, Gold Bravo Coin (No VAC, No Overwatch ban) Skins: A few skins watch profile link Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FlexicaN/ (No VAC, No Overwatch ban) Make your offers through skype. Skype: demian_ngo
  2. Hi guys, I am selling my Global Elite account 6 dig from 2003. Rank: Global Elite: Wins: 38 Coins: 5 Year, Breakout. Price: €45,- Skype: demian_ngo
  3. Hi lads, I am willing to buy an account with CS:GO on it with alot of hours. Rank doesn't matter. skype demian_ngo
  4. Hello ladies, I am willing to buy an CS:GO account with a few play hours and a few wins. (NO BANS!) My offer is 11 dollar (Paypal) Please reply, i ll contact you asap right now
  5. 11 dollar for it pm me
  6. Hi ladies, I wanna buy an CS:GO account with a high rank and alot of play hours. Reply if you guys got any.
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