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About TheReaper1234

  • Birthday 09/04/2000

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  1. Was just curious if anyone else is interested in a R6S cheat besides me?
  2. been here a long time never got banned enjoy owning the game!
  3. I don't see a point in a r6 recoil control, if you can control the recoil on it that's just sad.
  4. Just wanted to say Welcome to everyone new! Chod is always undetected and I have Never been banned using chods. This is a great community and always willing to help so you never have to worry about anything. Everytime I use their cheese it's always worth it 10/10 rating
  5. Just simply want esp for siege, I know they plan making a recoil control for siege but that is completely pointless cause the recoil is easy to control and you can easily get a script free (not saying how dont PM me its easy) and a esp for siege would get you guys a lot of support ..$
  6. i look forward to being invited then
  7. Hello i am not new to chods,but for everyone who doesnt know me call me reaper1234 i am new to cheese, but chod is the only one i use and he is the best so dont use any others.
  8. well if you dont have people to vouch for you then good luck convincing someone to do it
  9. Assuming that the EFT cheese will be up soon, i would grind hard because 0.10 is gonna hit and the EFT cheese will be down again so get that grind in!
  10. i hope they add it because alot of people get banned for simple stuff on siege
  11. i would definately buy that without a doubt
  12. i completely agree and would love to have a esp only i brought that idea up but we just need more people to agree with us
  13. i should of added that, i made it look negative lol
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