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Everything posted by BattleField

  1. No , you still have ESP and all that , just chams is disabled.
  2. Shoutbox is not for support , admins had enough , now they ban.
  3. Your computer is probably very old so I wouldn't recommend you to change OS. buy a new PC that costs like 700$ so you would be able to actually enjoy your game , oh and then you will be able to use the cheat too!
  4. I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that windows 7 has been out for about 6 years now? and if you use your computer to play games like CSGO they hey , you should think about upgrading your computer (or buying a new one if the whole system is old)
  5. You must buy the cheat in order to play with it. The cheat is currently undetected.
  6. Like 2 months , maybe 1 month if you're lucky. jk
  7. Such a fkn mystery , I know
  8. Same here! yesterday it was fine , but now , when the cheat injects , I get blue screen of death! my computer shuts down! ... So frustrating , reading in the forums how a lot of people get bsod , then a day later i'm having the same issue , when I have a big game tonight. :_(
  9. Lol. Proof = inventory full of good items. 99.99% key logger or something similar. /Ban.
  10. The CS:GO cheat is , currently , undetected. No , it will not stay undetected forever , but it can stay undetected for months , or weeks , or until tomorrow , point is you never know when it will be detected.
  11. Admins said yes , you will get an extension.
  12. Chod said the cheat is almost done , about a week from now.
  13. When the cheat comes back you will get your extension. (cmiiw)
  14. I don't think you can delete your thread. Anyways , you can't enter the members panel because it's for VIP members only. /facepalm indeed.
  15. Usually chicken with something , rice / spaghetti / potatoes ... Hot dogs sometimes ... chicken wings... Nothing special
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