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Posts posted by retroonestar

  1. @Spellmonger that’s great to hear you like the EFT I really enjoy it as well. You definitely need to look into the other cheese that Chod has to offer... like CSGO and Call of Duty just to name 2. I am very happy to enjoy it and if you have any questions about CSGO let me know I’ll answer to the best of my ability. Remember EFT is down for the time being until further notice.



  2. What is your favorite cheese? Is it CSGO or EFT? Or all of them that Chod provides? I know I enjoy the Cheese. What is your favorite? And if you can list why I’m curious to see everyone’s response. 



  3. How is everybody’s expierence? I would love to hear what you got to say!

    i am here to support and provide and support to the best of my ability and learn on the way!

  4. My name is Charles. Been playing games since the days of Atari and Nintendo 64. I love the gaming community and that should tell you how I feel about games in general. I have been browsing the forums and seen that this community by far is the best I have seen and probably will ever see. I would love to support anyone that needs assistance to the best of my abilities. Let’s help this community grow bigger! I am very active in the community forums and site. And actively track any bugs that I see and report it so they can be fixed. But Chods Cheats are so good I don’t know what I will find. 

    Cheers everyone! ?

  5. Anyways on with the review...

    aimbot is one of the big things that a lot of people look for. And when they find it they expect a few things...

    1. Quick

    2. Undected

    3. Smooth

    and the EFT aimbot has all of the things not to mention the options to adjust the speed of said aimbot and where the aimbot snaps too on the characters body may it be the head, chest, pelvis etc...

    now lets get into the other great features like ESP. I want to start of by saying it works beyond expectation. Having the skeleton of the individual and the way they are standing and in what direction makes the ESP beyond words. Not only does the ESP provide location but information on items around the map.

    Just two of the great features that Chod Cheats have to offer for EFT.


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