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Everything posted by brooklynboy02

  1. I had a dream. A dream to become VIP. A dream to get my hands on Rust cheats and shit on innocent naked bystanders along the shore with my inhuman aim and precision. I had a dream to be the ultimate cheater. Will I ever achieve this dream? Only time will tell.
  2. already have a 1080 lol...sorry for late response
  3. hmm...yea it they said that its time to upgrade to 4k because 1440 and 1080 monitors can't truly take advantage of the new cards. i really need to find the article...
  4. Any of ya'll getting the new 20 series? I think I'm definitely going to get the 2080ti but I'm going to need to do a huge set-up overhaul. Anyone recommend a specific 4k monitor? I know I'm going to need one to even take advantage of the new cards.
  5. Yea man it's invite only. I've been grinding for it. You gotta be active in forums and get to know the community. It's hard so don't expect it to be easy. One day I'll be VIP
  6. im gonna buy it but only after I see some gameplay from streamers. I don't want to jump right in and get disappointed like DayZ did to me.
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