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Posts posted by Rev_Gabe_Asher

  1. 15 minutes ago, Bismarck said:

    Next time don't buy an untested cheat.

    I was going to buy it, but not before two weeks without detections.

    No need to be smug buddy. People lost their hard earned here. Right or wrong, good decision or bad it helps nothing you pointing out how inferior everyone that lost their account are compared to wise old you.  Show some class please. 

  2. Who give a fuck what the cheese costs, there are a shit ton of neckbeards in Tarkov that have been safe from us for too long and these people must have their raids ruined and be forced to whine like little bitches on reddit as soon as is humanly possible.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. It’s a laggy shitty game that will never come up to standard. Cheating and making the entitled little fools cry is all it’s good for.


    Do I..


    A: grind for 8 hours trying to find some obscure items to complete a task only to unlock another soul destroying pointless task..


    or B: Use chods cheat as the only real way to actually have any fun in this “game”


    hmmm I wonder..

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