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Jstylah last won the day on October 14 2016

Jstylah had the most liked content!

About Jstylah

  • Birthday 29/03/1991

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  1. Did you purchase using an E-Cheque by any chance? It will take 3-5 business days to process and is out of our control. EDIT: Nevermind seems that you have been activated right after I replied.
  2. I will close this thread as your problem has been resolved if you run into any more issues dont hesitate to open a new thread. /closed
  3. You need to download and install both these; Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) The links seems to be broken for me but you can always try urself
  4. Hello and welcome to the site hope you enjoy ur stay here. To get you started: Important links Startup guide If you run into any issues while setting it up or run into any errors dont hesitate to open up a support thread.
  5. You initiated a chargeback and our system automatically removed your VIP access. Revoke the chargeback and you'll get ur VIP back.
  6. What was ur payment method?
  7. We do not give out free samples if you are going to invest in a year you might aswell try it for a month first.
  8. You need to put the progam on a USB device to be able to run it.
  9. Jstylah

    a proposal

    Just PM either Chod or Emiiru directly on the site.
  10. If you would like to recieve help just make a thread or use the PM function for now
  11. To make sure its bypassed before selling it again.
  12. Yeah we are aware it was only a demo version that expired the slacky admins just didnt bothered to remove it from the site yet.
  13. Untrusted bans gets converted into a VAC Ban over time aswell.
  14. Out of curiosity what made you nope the fak out and come back?
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