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Posts posted by Bobbysauce

  1. 3rd time I've been banned. twice was using this Chods, this most recent was another provider while Chod was away. I am now unable to create a new profile on the EFT website. I suspect I am HWID or IP banned but I cant know for sure. I was under the impression HWID/IP bans were not done by BSG. 

  2. 49 minutes ago, Maurice Del Taco said:

    Nice guide and I think people should take notice, but I really don't think "rage hackers" are the reason for downtime. It's just a lot of speculation. In "Banned in EFT? Post here" there are plenty of people who claimed to only use ESP and they're banned, so I don't see definitive proof that it's the rage hackers.

    That is true. My goal here is to make people's cheesing experience enjoyable and safe. 


    48 minutes ago, racecarderp said:

    Many people also use other providers when there is downtime so that may be a factor as well.

    I totally agree. If that is the case, they shouldn't be complaining here then, that just is confusing.

  3. Once again Tarkov cheese is down. I am honestly not surprised. I want to share with you guys some strategies I have used to avoid a ban. I have used the same account since I bought the tarkov and the tarkov cheese and never been banned.

    Disclaimer: This tip guide is for people who want to avoid a ban, if you wanna rage good for you.



    1. Keep Safe Mode ON!!

    This is the most important one. Safe mode is there for a reason. Unless you really don't care about being banned just pretend the features that can be used with Safe Mode off don't exist. You can still have a enjoyable tarkov experience with it on. 

    2. Aim Bot

    - I rarely ever use this feature. I use no sway, no recoil, no spread but thats it. You want your kills to look as legit as possible. If you are no scoping people across the map chances are you will be banned eventually.

    3. Auto Unlocker

    -This one I am not sure about. I have heard people getting banned using this feature so I try to avoid it. If you are using ESP, you should have no problem finding the keys you need just takes a little patience.

    4. Unlimited Stam/Speed Cheese

    -Under no reason should this be used. This is the number 1 offender for people getting banned. Lots of streamers and other players use recording software, plus I'm pretty sure the data being transferred back to the server will pick up on this anomaly. 

    5. ROE

    - When you encounter PMCs and player scavs engage them like you would if you didn't have cheese up. Example: If you know someone is about to round a corner and you can hear them just wait for them. You already have a huge advantage on them. Just play it cool.

    -Don't take stupid long shots. Most fights happen within 25-150 meters. Be mindful of the distance between you and the other player and try to stay in that range. If you are using a sniper or long range scope that is a little different but then never go above 200m. 

    -Don't be blatant when shooting through a bush. Honestly, you shouldn't feel like you need to do this, if you already know where the player is heading.

    6. Out Of Raid

    -Make sure you do not inject cheese while launcher is up always make sure Tarkov is closed before opening cheese

    -If a player contacts you via in game message to accuse cheese always deny. If you used my ROE tips it shouldn't be hard to explain the scenario to him. 

    -Try to avoid US servers. US servers are plagued with cheesers and usually being monitored. Try a different server that still gives decent ping, you can still fight PMCs (not as many tbh) and be a lot safer doing so. 

  4. On 8/4/2018 at 6:51 PM, Firechicken said:

    The features are not what got it detected. I do partially agree with you though that all of them are not necessary but theres a reason there is a safe mode. So people know which ones are "safe" to use. Chod stayed under the radar for a while but a few people made videos and put it on YouTube and then it hit reddit and blew up and got a lot of attention. I think a cheat is given priority by the number of people using it not what all it does. 

    The AC update scanning MSV folders is what got Chod I believe

  5. 16 hours ago, Taavi said:

    I would argue that if anything needed to change, make the cheat some sort of invite-only system and increase the price to make sure its still a good business.


    This would mean BSG would be unable to get its greasy paws on the cheat to update their memory signatures detection, the overall amount of cheaters would decrease to the benefit of those still willing to pay for it without bringing down profits (a constantly detected cheat makes ZERO profit) AND the community would not perceive the cheating as such a major issue due to the decreased population of cheaters. This would put less pressure on BSG to go all Battleye on us to try to keep detecting even invite-only cheat.

    I think Chod is doing a hell of a job right now, but those who think this detection is a one-off are probably in for a rude awakening. The cheat is cheap to acquire and has no background checks involved whatsoever so everyone is welcome to buy the cheat including BSG employees.

    I would certainly agree that the presence of some features such as teleportation and speed need to be discussed, but I don't think thats the primary issue here at the moment. Ofcourse BSG can still ban you for suspicious stats, reports or just plain video evidence so use of common sense is always recommended. 

    I could agree with this

  6. 1 hour ago, Noah33 said:

    I don't think the features of the cheese was the reason it got detected. Like Chod said, "It took BSG a full year to come anywhere near detecting us...". To me, that means the AC was updated to detect the program and not so much the features. I could be wrong but given the downtime, I'd say this isn't a simple fix like removing a certain feature.

    THE AC Is meant to detect the coders before the actual hackers. So is how I believe Chod got caught, they caught him first. So I think Noah is right.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Noobie Noob said:

    omg... ppl were asked to clean cookies FOR BSG forum and only those who was banned! what made u think it is cos BSG will (or can) scan your browser for Chod links...

    All though I don’t think that is happening, from some of the data I have uncovered about Saberclaw and the general practices of BSG I wouldn’t put it past them. But to the contrary I have used Chod’s site everyday on my pc and phone as well as the BSG forums and I am still not banned or have had any issues. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, tushonka81 said:

    I mean this in the nicest way possible but none of us should be questioning someone else's ethics when it comes to how software behaves. We cheated, we got caught. Just deal with it.

    This is also a legal mater. I don’t know about you, but luckily I have two separate computers one for work and one for games. If I played tarkov on my work computer and they were able to scan senesitive files and transmit that data with out my clients consent, not only is that a massive HIPAA (health insurance portability and accountability act) violation in my line of work I’d be out of a job. The data I’ve been uncovering through basic research is showing some very questionable things that we need to be aware of. I’d even post this on the subreddit but the mods would surely take it down. We aren’t talking about cheating anymore tushonka, this now is a extreme invasion of privacy. 



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  9. 6 minutes ago, Firechicken said:

    Good post. I was actually wondering the same thing. Here in the US I thought it was illegal to scan any files that do not belong to the game directory as that would be considered invasion of privacy. I could be wrong but if they are doing illegal scans they could get into serious trouble.

    I didn’t take the time to look up laws in the states but I would assume we have something in place similar to what the EU has. Regardless Russians just give 0 fucks.

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