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Everything posted by m26wuu

  1. IThinkHisNameIsDork = ITHNID I know ITHNID sounds horrible ??
  2. Hi Faceless, thanks for the giveaway. ?Would take EFT.
  3. Thx for the giveaway faceless? Would take the EFT cheeseburger ?
  4. Welcome to Chods @Gimpwhipper ??
  5. HI Guys. After 2 months now I thought that I would introduce myself. My name is B (that should be enough hehe). I'm 36 years old and from Germany. It's the first time I use a cheese like this one here and I'm impressed how well it works. So good job Chod and thumb up to the whole team. Keep up the good Work. ? B.
  6. ???? Hi and welcome @Freaker_81
  7. EFT ? Thanks for the giveaway Faceless ?
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