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Everything posted by chasedoe

  1. I never knew this until today when my mom's boyfriend's ex husband pointed it out to me. Has anyone else ever had this problem???
  2. chasedoe

    SCUM game

    It's going to be Dayz 2.0 with a little bit better of a development team. Basically it's going to be a kill on sight fest where you spend several hours gathering materials just to get shot once and be killed. I was super excited for the game but.. nah.. ill stick to Rust.
  3. ooo lala spank me daddy and give me the rust cheat b0ss ?
  4. Cool, thanks for the advice. It's much appreciated.
  5. Thanks guys, glad to see mods interacting with the community
  6. I'm looking at the requirements for Discord and the VIP cheats section (very interested in RUST) and one of them is 25 posts. One of the rules is not to spam the forums to reach the 25 posts asap.. but it leaves me wondering how you can get 25 posts for getting access. Majority of topics are already answered, locked, or weeks if not months old. Is there a specific forum where I can bump my post count up a little bit? This is my second month of subscriptions to chods cheats. I want to follow the rules and be an upstanding member but I also don't want to be a cheesedog and reply to already answered threads that are weeks old when it's totally unnecessary. If anyone could help me out with this, that'd be well appreciated. Thanks
  7. Yeah chod's is pretty good for reimbursing time. When my EFT cheat was down for a day i was reimbursed for it. Just gotta ask nicely.
  8. just bought the csgo cheats. i've used the eft cheat in the past. i play rust but am mainly a solo player. can't ever trust randoms. Figured I'd say hello to everyone here, and maybe make some rust friends. Hopefully, if I ever get VIP status, we can get a cheater clan going
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