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Everything posted by KingHaruv

  1. I used the EFT cheat a while ago, and I wanted to play again so I got on chods cheats to renew my subscription but the cheat was offline and the price more than doubled? What? Can someone please explain why? Did they get a better anti cheat or something? lol thanks
  2. I checked the shop and it's out of stock, says "Coming Soon" on the cheat status page? Release date please? Thanks
  3. Hello, I wanted to know if there are rust cheats in the vip section and if so, how do you become a vip? Thanks
  4. When I press "launch" it doesnt do anything? help?
  5. When I press insert the menu doesnt come up? (Comes up now [My GeForce Experience screenshot shortcut was set to INSERT]) Thanks
  6. Thank you very much for your help!!
  7. Hello I bought the cheat for EFT for a month but i'm not sure how to use the cheat in-game?.. Please help! Thanks
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