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Posts posted by JulianEph

  1. Donate me that $650 next time buddy. 


    Here in argentina we use a lot of fireworks but i'm not going to spend all that money in my life for only 1 time. 

  2. Welcome!

    In this post I am going to do a gift card sales service with x amount of money in Argentine pesos.


    1-I add you to a friend on discord

    2- You send me the money by paypal (the amount based on the amount of ARS you want to buy)

    3- i buy the gift card and in less than 1 day you have it!

    4- enjoy your games.

    Finally, the prices are:

    500 ars = 18 usd
    1000 ars = 28 usd

    You can order the personalized quantity you want (You contact me and I will tell you the price)

  3. Welcome!

    In this post I am going to do a gift card sales service with x amount of money in Argentine pesos.


    1-I add you to a friend on discord

    2- You send me the money by paypal (the amount based on the amount of ARS you want to buy)

    3- I open you steam account in my pc and add the money.

    4- enjoy your games.

    Finally, the prices are:

    500 ars = 10 usd
    1000 ars = 18 usd

    You can order the personalized quantity you want (You contact me and I will tell you the price)

  4. The cost for the service is $1 PAYPAL ONLY

    The service consists in that through discord or the forum they communicate with me and I do the step for you.

    I would only need account name and password and if necessary steam guard code.

    When i do the change i leave you a free game!

    I only change to argentina.

    (My other nick is zoK for what you see in vouchs)






  5. I say goodbye to chods, I have not seen some decisions that have been made for which I retire from the community, the little time I was had a good time.


    Many luck in all your projects!

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