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Everything posted by Mattux

  1. Highly Recommend. Really nice being able to communicate and not deal with ping issues. Guy is class act and doesn't rage so the experience is much more fun. You get to actually participate if you want. Prices are literally the best, which is surprising given he's US based. I'm a guy who spends thousands a year on these services and will never go back after using TheHelpingHands.
  2. Looking for a lot of carries and mission help. Need to be able to start ASAP. Got plenty of cash and am ready to go. Expecting decent rate with bulk buy. Thanks.
  3. Purchased 20m Rubles tonight, was all done from DM to deal done in less than 10 min. Solid dude. Thank you. Will be back for more.
  4. They release a patch with new content ever few weeks? And the playerbase has grown 400+ month over month for 3 months. You have 0 idea what your talking about.
  5. 3300 avg online players and at least 10% of us looking all over Google for a working cheese. The free weekend saw 14k avg online, and we are saw 4800 this weekend after the new patch. The player base is growing steadily. Just keeping this front of mind.
  6. I'm sorry that I posted I'd be willing to pay such an amusing amount of money Faceless. I guess I can take my money elsewhere.
  7. I'd pay $150 for the cheat to be made.
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