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Posts posted by Willbo65

  1. So I've been using Chod's for EFT for about a few days now and I do really like it. There are some small issues but I can overlook them easily.
    The ESP is great once you get the text colors and distance set up right so you don't fill your screen with blocks of unreadable text from items a kilometer away lol
    The super bullet is interesting as sometimes it makes your shots wildly inaccurate, but most times it's dead on with like 5 rounds per shot.
    The aimbot seems to lag behind the players and scavs so I don't use it, beside the fact I just don't like aimbotting myself.
    The no clip fly is a bit buggy at times. I get stuck sometimes in a rubberbanding loop where I'll go through a wall but it keeps pushing me back to the point I went through the wall and then if I try to run in different directions even with open space I still keep hoping back to that point. Led to some moments where I thought I would have to die to get out and lose all my stuff, but every time, I do manage to un-stick myself through bashing my character in a direction until I don't bounce back again. I've learned to go very slowly through a wall right next to what I want and just search from there so even if I do bounce back I still have the looting menu open and can grab the stuff.
    Night vision helped a lot in a couple cases where I accidentally went to the wrong spawn time lol.
    Helped me get some good loot.
    All around I say 9/10.


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  2. Also did you notice about a week ago, the game suddenly seemed to get much harder? I was doing okay even without cheating then it was like a switch flipped and I couldn't do anything. My survival per match was down to 2-3 minutes every time. Any ideas?

  3. Oh I think I will. I'm having fun with EFT. I used to rage pretty good when I would start dying for 4-5 matches in a row. The cheats made it fun again. I mostly just use the ESP and no aimbot. I never liked aim botters and I hold myself to that same regard. I'm not condemning others on here that do, I just think it makes the game too easy for me.

  4. So I bought Chod's for EFT and am loving it. After getting my preferences for text color and cheat settings, my games have been smooth and I die instantly at the start of a game a lot less. I was so tired of being insta killed from inside bushes and through walls, but now I at least know where they are coming from. I've even spotted some flying players with the ESP lol. Keep up the good work Chod's and hello to the community.

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