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Big Daddy Borge

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About Big Daddy Borge

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  1. Name: George Location: USA/Louisiana (CST Timezone) What you do(work/school..): I do A/C service and goto collage at night some nights Age: 20 21 in December Languages: English Online for x hours a day: 6+ hours on weekdays all day on weekends normally Experience with our products: mostly EFT cheats but I understand how they work pretty well Relevant experience: I been staff at multiple communities before as well as support team. Also owned a few communities with friends where we ran our own game servers Why you think you would be good for this position: I always keep a level head and dont let myself get out of control or let power go to my head. I always work well with others and love to lend a helping hand when needed. I have always been good at helping people with problems or assisting with technical issues. Anything else: I hope to get this potion to be able to help out in the community more directly instead of just answering a few small questions here and there in the shoutbox when people ask
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