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Everything posted by zigzagtimbaland

  1. So sad... Maybe its time that we play legit.
  2. do you still sell low digit account with 5 years badge for 3GBP? I want to buy if u still do.
  3. I thought it was the same as the hwid reset for CHod's cheat as a whole. I clearly understand now. thank you.
  4. OH! okay. got it . thank you for answering my stupid questions
  5. But where do I download the hwid spoofer? dexter hasn't given an link in his thread
  6. Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. I understand now.
  7. OH!. got it . thanks mate. But what if I change my location , the PC and everything .will the HWID spoofer work.
  8. Somebody should to clear that up officially through the News forum tab. It's quite confusing and controversial imo, to be honest.
  9. Greetings! I saw the following post while I was aimlessly going through Chod's cheat as I have nothing to do ( yes, i am waiting for Black Ops 4 Official release on 12th October). Is this like a free bypass to the HWID reset keys. I am genuinely interested and confused ?, please correct me if I am wrong.
  10. I would love to get my hands on that USB starter kit!!! ❤️
  11. Greetings, ?Black ops 4 release is around the corner. The legendary Call of Duty that everyone grew up with is now hopping onto the hype-train (nearly dead hype) of a Battle Royale mode. I got a chance to try out the beta on the 15th of September. ??Comment below if you have got Black Ops 4 installed in your computer. I am really excited about the release. ?Comment +1 if you want Chods to code a brand new cheat for this brand new Black Ops 4 Black Out game! Peace Out, Zigzagtimbaland P.S i put this thread in Off-topic because I do not see anywhere this post would fit in.
  12. I had the same trouble as you. I played at lan centre and there were 200+ pcs. And i couldn't book for a single pc so i was basically changing my pc everyday. So, i had to buy the stick. It is currently in stock. TBH, i still have not bought the stick yet because i had to show proof of address and i was travelling when i attempted to buy it. But , i no longer need it as i have got a gaming machine of my own.
  13. Why is my dick small? oh shit. I didnt say that.
  14. Me too , i just moved in from another cheat provider but not EFT. I play csgo.
  15. Hi, I come from a different csgo legit Cheat provider that just closed down. I hear Chod's cheat community is wonderful. I am a very active user so you will probably see my name everywhere starting from today. MY information: Real Name : my MOM told me not to say, sorry Country: United Kingdom ?? Age : 23 years old Occupation ?‍? Student Zigzagtimbaland
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