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Davidofftd last won the day on January 1 2022

Davidofftd had the most liked content!

About Davidofftd

  • Birthday 25/02/2000

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  1. You can do that for now via a reseller.
  2. Thumbnail for anyone that wants it. Can also give one with transparent background or psd file
  3. Made an Paladins video, Its aight I hope.
  4. HOW TO ACTIVATE TWO STEP AUTHENTICATION Hello everyone, Ive made a tutorial video on how to enable two step authentication. The steps are as shown below. Tutorial: 1. Make a account on Chods-Cheats.com. 2. Make sure you have confirmed your email adress. 3. To enable two step authentication you must have bought atleast one cheat. (Have one subsciption running). 4. As soon as you bought your first subscription you will be prompted to enable the two step auth. 5. You will need the google authenticator app. Downloads: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&hl=en IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-authenticator/id388497605?mt=8 6. Open the app and press to + icon. 7. Press scan barcode. 8. Hover with your phone over the QR code shown on your computer screen. 9. Fill in the code shown on your phone. 10. Succes you have enabled two step authentication. Problems and Solutions Q) Im putting the right code but still not working A) Make sure you sync your device authenticator to the website on the authenticator app. If it still doesnt work try and delete the code and rescan the barcode If there are grammer errors please let me know. Also let me know if ive forgotten a step or need to add something. Thank you, and enjoy hacking on Chod's Cheats. Davidofftd
  5. Looking great. One small nitpick: It's "Chod's Cheats", not "Chods Cheats" Should have paid more attention. Fixed it, will replace them.
  6. Here are some quick banners I made. Use them if you like. Logo is the original (not mine). Enjoy Download: Chods Banners.rar
  7. Updated to banner for safe use xx. Davidofftd.
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