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  1. I stand corrected then on most of these and apologise for any misinterpretation of the service, I've read over the patch notes for the Tarkov updates and I'd say that I'll need to pay more attention to those particular threads. Sorry again
  2. I think you missed my point, These features have gone from "OK" to bad really quick and nothing has been done to fix them and everyone is still paying the same price, I might add turning off safe mode isn't really a solution as most people want to remain "safe" and they shouldn't have to change their game-play and possibly get banned because the developers refuse the fix some of these issues. SOME, being an operative word there, not everything needs to be fixed instantaneously but since the cheat seemingly auto-updates I would think adding small fixes into them might be a good idea to keep people happy with what they are paying for, and not just updating with every major patch.
  3. So It has come to my knowledge that a lot of these "features" now don't work and it's been going on for some time, I got these cheats when a legitimate no-clip worked and instant kill worked, now I have to work without no clip or instant kill, I get "super bullets" which I don't know about anyone else but super bullet is completely useless, I have to be point blank for it even to hit, now there is no: speed-hack, super jump, auto UN-locker, and on top of all this the aim-bot doesn't even work, the cross-hair Isn't centred on the screen nor is aim-bot itself able to aim directly at someone without missing. I like the community, I like the service even, i had to trouble-shoot and got a response in 5 minutes and fixed within 10 minutes. I just don't see how I can continue to PAY for a cheat that isn't able to provide what once was, at the same price I will add. The picture provides just some of the features that now no longer work.
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