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About josh101456

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  1. Any price range? I don't want to offer too low and would u take csgo skins or anything? Add my skype: klepticclan
  2. So since the cheats don't work on windows 8 do we get another extension for the people on windows 8?
  3. I was wondering if when the hacks come back out again can I have csgo instead of dayz because I never bought dayz again I'd rather have the hack for csgo since I already have the game on 2 accounts thanks
  4. Tryed to work out a deal and he called me a stupid kid and to go try it on someone else. He first off told me he was not GOing first then he said he doesn't accept PayPal so I offered to buy him a steam card and then he blocked me he obviously doesn't know what a steam card is so BUYERS BEWARE BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK
  5. I'm sorry for advertising another site can u please unban me from pms and the shout box I'm very sorry and it won't happen again I was just trying to help because the cheats were detected and people still wanted to cheat please I promise I won't advertise again
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