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About TT30

  • Birthday 14/02/1988

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  1. That happen litteraly every month so it's nothing new. Money goes down and eventually goes up stabilize itself then go down you learn that in economy. Just got to know when to take your money out if you had some invested in there This drop has something to do with South Korea, I really cannot be bothered looking too far into it... Anyway, yeah I cashed out at the start of the drop and am planning on reinvesting a percentage of that money back into crypto as a rise starts to appear. Still strange how all currencies begun to drop and then rise once again at the same times, it happened multiple times over the past day.
  2. TT30

    Sho me Da Whey

    I Can Sho Yew Da Whey to
  3. Hello I'm new here, had an account for a while and am now looking to enjoy some quality gaming chairs that will give me much more comfort within game... Looking forward to it
  4. Welcome man... totally don't know who you are big man, never met you before in my life
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