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About K31X

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  1. Has like 30 hours and 13 wins ranked gnm
  2. I been trying to find someone to sell me 5 damn dollars in bitcoin the past 2 days, if you can sell lmk. Idc what the rate is i just need paying with paypal
  3. Just because it is better prices than yours doesnt mean you need to doubt ;)
  4. In game, I didnt even know there was steam profile commends
  5. I am selling my webstresser account since I no longer need/use it. This is by far one of the best booters publicly for sale and has very strong l4 + l7. The retail for the account is $100 but I am willing to negotiate on the price. If you would like me to demonstrate its power on some sites you can just message me Also might be interested in trades for a decent steam account or other stuff
  6. haha i dont personally do them, a friend does it and gives to me for a discount so that would just be putting me out of money or i would
  7. Commend prices: 500 = $20 1k = $35 2k = $60 Can do more (up to 10k) but I feel like not many people will want/need that high amount.
  8. lol lifetime for sure, i bought it for lifetime too not for 1 year
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