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About pellepylly

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  1. First account sold, second one left, discount, 20e/50warmane coins
  2. Selling:*Gold nova master, 92wins, 484hrs *35€ CS:GO inventory *Around 15€ Rust inventory *Prime *Other games with few hours. *Steam lvl11 *4 year's old25€ / 50 Warmane.com coins ________________________________________________ *Unranked, was LEM havent played for an year. *970 HRS CS:GO *2 year's old *78 wins *Prime *2016 Medal 30€ / 60 Warmane.com coins. _________________________________________________ *No original e-mails, lifetime warranty (if you get ow/vac banned the warranty wears off) *Buyer goes first, middleman can be used. *Steamlink will be given with private message if requested. -Paypal/Skrill/Warmane.com coins.
  3. Selling: *2709Hrs CS:GO, some other games like cod: ghosts *819 wins *Supreme Master First Class *Face IT lvl 3, account will be delivered but no original e-mail for faceit. (44 games) *Esea account will be delivered fully, no e-mail registered for esea yet. (no games at esea) *Original e-mail will NOT be delivered but I can give you the e-mail without password incase you need it someday. *I can keep the phone number at the account since its from numbers.city burner. *OW enabled *No anykind of bans. *Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/VvMu6VX -Paypal (verified), Skrill (verified), Bitcoin Buyer goes first and middleman can be used. *150€ or send me offers here.
  4. Steam link will be delivered via private message to the potential buyer, ive had 1 account banned during account selling procedure so I wont take any risk's nowdays. Yeah we can certainly use those, steamrep ones, playerup ones, anything that suits the buyer
  5. Selling Steam account: *6 year's old (5 year badge on cs:go) *lvl 12 *7 pages of +reps and so on. *1788 hrs CS:GO (Global Elite, 442 wins) (Overwatch enabled, Prime Ready, 2k18 badge soon) (Operation Phoenix and bravo coins) *1859 HRS Dota 2 (Legend 5) (Dota Plus purchased) *581 hrs Just Survive *120 hrs H1Z1 *41 hrs L4D 2 *33 hrs Dirty bomb *Lots of skins and cases on CS:GO, Dota 2, Just Survive, H1Z1, L4D 2 *Buyer goes first, Paypal (friends and family), Skrill, Bitcoin, middleman can be used on buyers expense. -50€
  6. Selling: *Prime Ready *245hrs cs:go *Current rank: MG1 throw trolling deranked account. (continuing to derank till its sold) * 12 cases with 2 spectrum cases at the inventory. *5 years old *No bans, OW is soon ready (121 wins ) * as a bonus account has L4D2 and Call of Duty: Ghosts. 20€ Payment method will be only Skrill. You can find me on Discord ( Extacy#0114 ), skype jani_hakala@hotmail.com and here.
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