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Everything posted by bliuxter

  1. There is a Pre-Sale Support section on the forum, have you checked that one out first? if there is no already answered question, then you can create a post there and ask.
  2. I've played tons of Enlisted is its release. It was actually a fun game. Cool mechanics and progression for a WWII shooter. I did found a provider for it tho. But got banned in a few weeks. If its coming to steam it would be a good pick for Chods imo. So I agree!
  3. Yes. For me sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. P.S.: FYI The discord server its not for support so any help you need you have to do it here on the forum.
  4. HAHAHAHHAHA I choose the number 1 Lets gooo
  5. you need to check the status page. not the store page.
  6. wtf is that, sounds like a cheap starcraft Edit: I see its like tarkov and roblox made a child 🤪
  7. Magic flashlight is patched, I think. So it might get fixed, or it might not. The aimbot for survivors is quite buggy and offset. Don't use it until they fix it; it's worse than your own aim.
  8. Sorry to hear that. But this is the wrong place to report this. You could get help, answers or even solutions in the respective forum section.
  9. What? If you change your FoV, how could others see that? It's like I use a 2K resolution and you use 1080. When you spectate me, you now see in 2K. LMAO
  10. Status page says Coming soon. So most likely yes.
  11. I still don't know why there is a flashlight auto aim feature. Pointing the flashlight to the killers face It's literally the easiest thing to do in this game you don't need precision or pixel perfect accuracy. Then, your aim might be really shit if you need aim assist on this one ;D
  12. Second reply of yours irrelevant and useless to the topic. 🤪
  13. Didn't see the numbers. I stump upon the game just by chance. I guess the game it's really not interesting in marketing just yet. I'm guessing because the DaD thingy 🤷‍♂️. I feel like it will makes it, especially because it looks like it will be free to play and it looks and feels better and plays more a bit more casually compared to DaD. But yeah will see
  14. Just a heads up. I've been playing this one, and it looks reeeeally good, way more polished, and it's on Steam. It's in Open Beta now. So I feel like for this one, Chods could be one of the first ones on the market on release. What do you guys think?
  15. I used to play hella lot of PUBG back in the EA. even with all the bugs and bad optimization lol. I remember I even bought a PC specially only for that game.
  16. 10k+ players average in the last 30 days. Not dead at all. If so almost all games in the list except Dead by daylight are "dead"
  17. Hey, I intended to post on the official thread 'List your game,' but it seems to be closed. So, I thought I'd create a thread here where people can share their opinions about this. New World was released for the first time around two years ago, I believe. Chods almost released a cheat for it from the very beginning. So, with an expansion coming in just a few weeks, maybe it's worth considering giving it another shot and having it as part of Chods! Cheers!
  18. It's their official and only launcher at the moment. So yes.
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